Hello and thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.

As for the bio situation, I often feel awkward about this part. There are so many things I could say, and yet I hardy find any of them important. All that is to say that I am here, a simple human being, searching for meaning and connection though self-discovery=writing/reading/engaging. In search of community and a way to feel less alone.

This is how I imagine you, as you read this.. seeing into me *covers own eyes*


Upon discovering Medium, I found a quiet little space where I could share my expression of feeling, passion and wonder (and sometimes.. torment, sadness and frustration.. only human after all).

Generally I post short poems, keeping the language open and inclusive. I encourage you to reach out to me and let me know if a particular piece resonates with you, or other thoughts. I welcome any and all to the space and am thankful for the love and kindness that you have shown me thus far. In a world of busy people, feeling heard grows into an ocean of comfort.

Again, thank you for reading, every interaction means a lot to me.

You are beautiful. Share your light. We are all in this together.


Despite the hungry shadows yet to dissipate.. I am: Infused with light and love; standing at the start of a thousand paths, ready to be united.

If you enjoy my writing and would like to toss a coin in my hat, you can do so here!

Thank you for stopping by! <3

Medium member since October 2023