Writing is, for me

Polyna Firer
2 min readMay 5, 2024

a way to set my tension free

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

The gym is easier to find
Than getting tangled in my mind
But no release is quite as sweet
As letting words fall and compete

To see which better hits the mark
and leaves me bleeding in the dark
When it is over, all the weight
I had saved to contemplate
Becomes a stone, now free to cast

The tears can dry
the fears can flee
at last
at last

goodness me… I am so so tired

best get to bed
it is
feeling duller

Perfect… okay this time really.. sleep!!! Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

This photo perfectly captures how the perfectionist in me stays up to find just the right photo of a woman face-planting her laptop, with papers scattered around her.. while my body takes on more of a golden lab approach by completely checking out.. Which is why it took so long to edit this on.. :-S . . . . . Still.. I think it’s worth it.. or is this all a dream? . ?..

Thank you dear reader for your support, for taking the time to read and do all of those wonderful things you do. Knowing that I am not just sending my writing into empty space gives me so so so much strength and hope.



Polyna Firer

Human, creative, lover of sunshine. Healing through poetry and music.